Hypnotic inductions are where the rubber meets the road in hypnosis! Induction is the process of bringing the four components of hypnosis together in such a fashion, that you become part of the feedback of sensory information that the subject is feeding themselves.
The four little words are the components themselves: Subject, Conduit, Attitude and Suggestion. Now, I don't mean that you say these words to the subject! But understand what these three words mean in your hypnotic entrancement!
As I've stated in the previous blog entries, by understanding the sensory language dominance the subject is speaking to themselves in. And selecting the right method from the massive amount of amount of Conduits/Inductive Methods. As well as having the right attitude and suggestion composed from the subject's process of "How's," will easily induce one to enter a deep state of trance.
If you haven't read my previous blog entries on these components, I suggest you go back and plow through them.
For the rest of you who have read through, Attitude is something I haven't spoken in detail. There is a large body of hypnotist that mechanically know how to induce someone and themselves into trance. However, they are plagued with abreactions and "Pop-outs!" A Pop-out is just as it sounds. The subject pops out of trance and has a reaction/abreaction that you the therapist, didn't expect or want! There's nothing more frustrating to a mechanical styled hypnotherapist; than to have a pop-out occur in front of the rest of the family or professional setting.!
So, how do we develop the "right" attitude as a hypnotist and/or hypnotherapist? Attitude comes from drinking the Kool-aid you're using on your clientele! As well as the understanding that everyone! And I mean everyone! Is in some level of entrainment 24/7-365! Just understanding that everyone is entrained on something at some level will carry you quite far! However, even only with that understanding, you'll have a higher percentage of pop-outs that those that actually practice their craft!
Practice taking each and every emotion you have as a reaction to some activator. And, breaking that emotional reaction down into a series of steps. Of hows! Remember the belief you have that is associated with that activator as well! You can become very lost just examining the hows!
Let's say it's being cut off in traffic! Most of you can relate to this! You believe that you should be able to continue in your lane without being interrupted abruptly! Now, break down the steps you go through from when the cut off occurs. To when that driver is no longer affecting your emotions. How are you breathing? What does you face look like? How are you holding yourself posture-wise? What are you feeling?
Once you have all that catalogued. And make sure that you take several incidents ranging in intensity just to make sure you have a good cross section! Examine your beliefs as you go through your how steps. What are the consequences at the end of the emotional reaction? What would you change?
Good! Now you have your hows to build your suggestion of what you will change. Let's select say..., reframing method. That's where you see the movie in your head of the cut-off, the emotional reaction and the unsuccessful consequence. Next, we construct the same movie in our head except one with a successful positive consequence. Simply let the unsuccessful movie be overrun with the successful one! Some people explode the unsuccessful with the successful. Or they interrupt it like a loud blasting advertisement right in the middle of the unsuccessful movie! You decide what feels right for you! And of course this is all done with the understanding and attitude that you in fact, are always at some level of entrainment/suggestibility! Now your unconscious can easily accept the newer more pleasurable movie always! Hypnotic induction is just that effortless and pleasurable! And with just four little words, you practice what you preach so to speak! After a short time of practicing everyday, just establishing rapport with someone else will take them deeply into the level of entrainment that you are without very much effort!
Thank you for your time,
Mike Addison - M.Ht., M.AHt
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