Thursday, April 29, 2010

How does one recharge after hypnotizing all day long?

While driving into my consulting gig, I realized that between galaxies there is what is known as the hyper-void or voids. Below the existence of energy is a void as well! So, void gives rise to energy. Energy gives rise to form. Form gives rise to everything we know. And eventually, everything returns to void.

Why am I going on about space between the galaxies and voids and matter in general? Simply because as you see people for hypnotherapy sessions you'll need a center point within yourself to draw calm and energy from!
Between each and every thought, you have the experience of that void at your beck and call! A space you can return to when you deal with the hysterical client. When you deal with the obnoxious client. And where you can lead your clients to in order to lead them to their center point as well!

It's not the deep state of hypnosis that brings a person peace and contentment when they've been down deep in trance. It's the reconnection with the hyper-void within themselves. That stillness and eternity.

Here are three exercises that will recharge you when you've been drained by a constant flood of clients and all their cares and worries wear you out!

The first is known as: Entering the well of yourself. Sit up straight with your hands in your lap. Imagine a small stone falling in tune with each exhalation you have. Down from the inside of the top of your head to deep within a well in the pit of your stomach. How far down does that stone fall before it enters the water at the bottom? You'll have to feel for this! Don't change your way of breathing. Allow your breathing to change on it's own! The space between the next stone will allow you to experience your center point. Your void.

When you're ready to come back; simply follow your inhalations with balloons floating up with each breath. Higher and higher as you feel the joy and freedom of that balloon. The lightness rising higher and higher. When you're ready, just allow your eyes to open with that feeling of lightness and joy still with you.

The nest exercise is called: Space between the beats. Again, sitting up. Allow your unconscious now to notice the space between the beats of the heart. You can even put your hand gently over your heart and feel the pulse of life. Allow your unconscious now to become very aware of the length of the space. You won't be able to change it. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes and something miraculous will happen as you keep allowing your unconscious now to notice the length of the space. Time will stretch out and become extremely slow.
When you're ready to come back. Just bring your mind to the space between your eyebrows and imagine inhaling through that space deeper and deeper. Allow the stillness from that experience to stay with you.

The final exercise is called: Jumping between the keyword. Choose a word that appeals to you that is positive, edifying and loving. Sitting up with your eyes closed, allow that word to repeat itself over and over again randomly. Don't force it. Let your unconscious now notice the space between the pronunciation of the keyword you've chosen. It's the space between the repetition that is the void where all desires and fulfillment comes from. Practice this exercise for 10 to 20 minutes.
At the end of the practice, give yourself an affirmation such as: Perfect and pure peace! Let this sink into the void. You can add whatever you'd like to bring into your life by constructing an affirmation and the desired object or event you'd like to happen. Such as Perfect and pure parking spots. Perfect and pure kindness. Perfect and pure companionship. You get the idea don't you?

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anodynic Hypnotic Inductions - Entrance others with just four little words!

Hypnotic inductions are where the rubber meets the road in hypnosis! Induction is the process of bringing the four components of hypnosis together in such a fashion, that you become part of the feedback of sensory information that the subject is feeding themselves.
The four little words are the components themselves: Subject, Conduit, Attitude and Suggestion. Now, I don't mean that you say these words to the subject! But understand what these three words mean in your hypnotic entrancement!
As I've stated in the previous blog entries, by understanding the sensory language dominance the subject is speaking to themselves in. And selecting the right method from the massive amount of amount of Conduits/Inductive Methods. As well as having the right attitude and suggestion composed from the subject's process of "How's," will easily induce one to enter a deep state of trance.
If you haven't read my previous blog entries on these components, I suggest you go back and plow through them.

For the rest of you who have read through, Attitude is something I haven't spoken in detail. There is a large body of hypnotist that mechanically know how to induce someone and themselves into trance. However, they are plagued with abreactions and "Pop-outs!" A Pop-out is just as it sounds. The subject pops out of trance and has a reaction/abreaction that you the therapist, didn't expect or want! There's nothing more frustrating to a mechanical styled hypnotherapist; than to have a pop-out occur in front of the rest of the family or professional setting.!
So, how do we develop the "right" attitude as a hypnotist and/or hypnotherapist? Attitude comes from drinking the Kool-aid you're using on your clientele! As well as the understanding that everyone! And I mean everyone! Is in some level of entrainment 24/7-365! Just understanding that everyone is entrained on something at some level will carry you quite far! However, even only with that understanding, you'll have a higher percentage of pop-outs that those that actually practice their craft!
Practice taking each and every emotion you have as a reaction to some activator. And, breaking that emotional reaction down into a series of steps. Of hows! Remember the belief you have that is associated with that activator as well! You can become very lost just examining the hows!
Let's say it's being cut off in traffic! Most of you can relate to this! You believe that you should be able to continue in your lane without being interrupted abruptly! Now, break down the steps you go through from when the cut off occurs. To when that driver is no longer affecting your emotions. How are you breathing? What does you face look like? How are you holding yourself posture-wise? What are you feeling?
Once you have all that catalogued. And make sure that you take several incidents ranging in intensity just to make sure you have a good cross section! Examine your beliefs as you go through your how steps. What are the consequences at the end of the emotional reaction? What would you change?
Good! Now you have your hows to build your suggestion of what you will change. Let's select say..., reframing method. That's where you see the movie in your head of the cut-off, the emotional reaction and the unsuccessful consequence. Next, we construct the same movie in our head except one with a successful positive consequence. Simply let the unsuccessful movie be overrun with the successful one! Some people explode the unsuccessful with the successful. Or they interrupt it like a loud blasting advertisement right in the middle of the unsuccessful movie! You decide what feels right for you! And of course this is all done with the understanding and attitude that you in fact, are always at some level of entrainment/suggestibility! Now your unconscious can easily accept the newer more pleasurable movie always! Hypnotic induction is just that effortless and pleasurable! And with just four little words, you practice what you preach so to speak! After a short time of practicing everyday, just establishing rapport with someone else will take them deeply into the level of entrainment that you are without very much effort!

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison - M.Ht., M.AHt

Monday, April 26, 2010

Anodynic Hypnosis Suggestion types

In our last blog entry, I discussed Anodynic Hypnotic Conduits or methods of delivery of suggestions. Here, I'd like to discuss the myriad forms of suggestions. To understand those suggestions, you will have to know a little bit about the language that our sensory speaks to us in!
Every creature including humans, has their own sensory language! Each creature has maybe one or two of their senses that are dominant. Some are visually dominant. Some audibly. Still others kinesthetically. A large portion of creatures are olfactory and taste oriented. Meaning, that creature processes the world through that sensory first to understand the world.
Humans are no different! Some of us are visuals, while others are audibles or kinesthetics. There are those rare humans that are olfactory or gastric dominants. The later are normally very wealthy but very odd as well! There are some very rare humans that are synesthesics. They hear what you smell and see what you feel! It's a real gift!

What we are dominated by we reference in our personal sensory dialects. Visuals reference the world with visual language. Audibles, have to hear things a certain way for it to make sense to them. Gastric, have to get a gut feeling about what you're talking about!
Now, the problem that most hypnotist and hypnotherapist experience without this knowledge is that if you speak a different language than the person who listens to it. They won't understand! A hypnotist speaking a visually oriented language to a gastric will not be understood at all! The speaker and the listener will become quickly frustrated! And, no desired hypnotic state will be achieved!

So, our first task is to listen to the other person or determine what type of person we are? What common language do you or the other person use to describe something they believe in?
"Well, I see what you mean! So, give me the whole picture now how suggestions work!"
Tailoring our suggestions to meet this requirement will take us only part of the way to delivering a suggestion that achieves the person we want to hypnotize goals!

Each person tells us how they want to be hypnotized if you only learn to listen to them! Really? We construct the suggestion by learning "how" the subject does something? We're not the slightest bit interested in "why?" We leave that for our Psychologist and Psychiatrist colleagues.
The "how" a person becomes depressed, frustrated, inspired, joyous, empowered and so forth is our only concern.
How do they sit when? What does their face look like? How are they breathing while being in a certain state? Each and every steps of "How" they do something helps us construct the perfect suggestion! Just by changing maybe one step in that chain of how's will change the subject!
Then we simply take them mentally through the steps they've described and make a little turn toward our goal. We can anchor the suggestion by just touching them or snapping our fingers!
"So, you're sitting slumped over and your face looks sad. And you're breathing in sighs and becoming more depressed? "Let's try that again! You're sitting slumped over and suddenly you sit up! You try to make your face look sad, but you're having a hard time taking that face seriously! And, now you're breathing in sighs which turn into little kitten mews! Each time you start feeling you need to put yourself into a depressed state, you'll easily slip into this new way of being depressed!"
We could further tailor this suggestion in the sensory language of the person listening which would have even a more profound effect!

There's a huge amount to be written about on Suggestion Types which I'll try to cover as we explore Anodynic Hypnosis.

Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hypnotic Conduits - Transports for Suggestion.

In my last entry, I stated that we'll get into how to put someone into a hypnotic/fixated state to receive suggestions.

A Hypnotic Conduit is a method to allow yourself or someone else to enter a hypnoidal, cataleptic or sonombulistic state of mind; whereby the conscious filter begins to release it's hold on the conscious mind.
Once the conscious filter has moved and thereby reduced it's tendency to generalize, delete or distort information to the subconscious. The subconscious can react quicker to the suggestion presented it.

There's no "correct" hypnotic conduit. There's only conduit methods that work for you! Some of the basic hypnotic conduits are:

1. Authoritative/active,
2. Passive,
3. Permission,
4. Evocative,
5. Presumptive,
6. Interrogative,
7. Positional.
8. Expectational,
9. Post-hypnotic.

Each of these hypnotic conduits have sub-categories unto themselves. I'll briefly touch on each of these. As we progress further, we'll explore these areas in greater depth as well as adding the intermediate and advanced hypnotic conduits and their sub-categories. If you're wondering how many of these conduits you'll have to learn to be a effective hypnotist or hypnotherapist. There are about 27 factorial conduits available. Most practitioners use anywhere from 20 to 30.


Authoritative/active hypnotic conduits are just as they sound! They are what I like to call strong arming a person into a hypnodial state! There's a very curious behavior that occurs when the person being hypnotized is overloaded with messages coming from their senses. Dr. George Kappas states that he believes that it's part of our primitive ancestral past.
When large animals would stalk cave dwelling humans, the humans could either fight or flee! We still have those two urges within our primal mind today. The "flee" part doesn't mean running away necessarily. It also means to play dead or faint. Most animals don't scavenge for dead animals. They prefer live! So, when our mind becomes overloaded, it flees the situation by fainting/playing dead.
Strong Arm authoritative/active hypnosis conduit stimulates the person until they overload. And thereby the conscious filter moves out of the way to allow the subconscious mind to immediately react to the primal conscious mind for the next set of instructions. If you were a cave person, that could be: play dead. And when the time was right; run like hell without question or evaluation from the other parts of your brain!


Passive hypnotic conduits are the opposite of Active/Authoritative Hypnotic Conduits! They are based upon the assumption that we're always moving from one thought to another. We're always giving ourselves suggestions as we transition from thought to thought. And Passive Hypnotic Conduits take advantage of that process.
Advertisers know this form of hypnotic conduits very well! They not only allow the TV to just run the same silly commercial over and over again. Sometimes two or three times in a row in a commercial break. But they also make it as uniquely silly as possible! The whole goal is to suggest without suggesting overtly!
How well does this work? Also most every child on the planet knows a clown that represent a famous fast food chain don't they? Even decades after cigarette commercials have been off the air; someone can say part of a cigarette jingle and most of us can complete the phrase!
The basic reason why passive works so well is due to the fact that every sensory input we receive as humans is re-presented to ourselves in our own sensory language. We translate it so that it totally fits into our personality makeup.


Some people only need permission to achieve their goal. They have everything they need to be successful. Just someone saying that it's okay for them to do something releases that potential like horses from the starting gate!
Permission is probably one of the more sneaky ways to provide others and ourselves suggestions that we'll act upon. Even if that person you provide the permission to doesn't plan to follow your suggestion immediately, the suggestion like an earwig is burrowing it's way through the conscious mind to cause an action!
Here again, advertisers use this form of passive/aggressive permission conduit to make you react to something you may not think is good for you! Let's think about donuts for a second! Even the suggestion of suggesting the allowance for us to think about donuts makes our mouth water for a moment. You really don't have to say to your client: It's okay for you to think about donuts! You can do as I've just done. Let's think about such and such. I'm in effect giving you permission to think about it and away you go! You'll love conversational hypnosis using this conduit!


Evocative is really sneaky stuff! The hypnotist in this case just asks you to invoke a memory or a feeling. Call it to the conscious mind. The first time you felt that deep crush on some person that totally blew you away. Or that first time you drove a car by yourself after passing your drivers license examine. There's endless amount of possibilities.
Now, while you're thinking and remembering those instances, the hypnotist also slides in a suggestion of a goal they'd like you to now associate such as simply touching you on the shoulder as they ask you about the first time you drove by yourself. Which anchors that feeling again to whatever is being associated now. Maybe to overcome the fear of something you didn't think you could overcome! Later we'll use this for our Past Life Regression methods!


Let's assume that you're already in a hypnotic state of some level just reading this blog. And let's presume that you're going to stay in this state until you finish reading these very empowering and pleasurable hypnotic goodies. Kinda feels like Christmas day as a kid opening that toy you didn't know you wanted but were so blown away when you opened the wrapping and found it? Doesn't it?
The hardest part for newbie hypnotist to overcome is the fear of not getting their clients into a hypnotic state! It was really liberating for me as a newbie to understand that everyone is under some level of hypnosis! A great weight was lifted from me with just presumption!
Hypnosis with others becomes effortless once you understand this gem! This is a huge subject!


Probably the most overlooked hypnotic conduit is Interrogative Hypnosis! Interrogative is defined as: Asking a question or being of the nature of a question: an interrogative raising of the eyebrows.

Most people love to give their opinion! They love to answer questions that allow them to talk about themselves. In fact, if you just ask the right questions, most people have the solution they're looking for when they come in for therapy!
Asking a question can transport them from some terrible anxiety they're experiencing to releasing that stress and moving to relief.
Asking a question can transport you from your current state to a meditative one. The transport process opens the conscious filter and allows you to inject a suggestion in the process!
While the mind is doing a Trans-Derivation Search (TDS) it's not busily filtering anything else that's being suggested. Let's consider what would you be doing right now if you could have only one shot at something? And you knew that this one wish was your last wish to have exactly what you wanted! What would that be? How would you feel once you got it? Where would you be? Who would you be with? What would things look like, sound like, feel like around you?
And away you go! You're transported to that state you fixated upon! There's a lot more to this process but we'll explore that later!


When you're upset! When you're happy! When you are depressed. When you're feeling fine. What positions does your body assume? How do you breathe when you're in those states? What does your face look like? Are you tense or relaxed for each of those states.
Just by changing you breathing and your body position, you change your mind completely! I even have my clients get up and shake off the last positional state and then sit down and assume another one to teach themselves their bodies language!
If you know someone's body language as you work with them you can even have them take a position, adjust them to what you think would make that state even more profound. And like clockwork, they'll enter that state. Then just slide in a suggestion with the positioning process and zoom zoom, they take the suggestion hook line and sinker! This is a whole study in itself! We'll be exploring this as well!


Each of the former methods overlay each other! None so much as expectational! I was tempted to just leave this section as it is to demonstrate expectation but that would be too Zen-ful!
Dr. Milton Erickson use to tell his patients to: "Not go into hypnosis yet, I've got a few instructions! So hang on and don't enter the trance state yet! Wait until I touch you on the shoulder!" Then after giving what seemed like very important instructions which were suggestions that would deepen the experience even further as well as make it vastly more pleasurable. He'd finally go up to the person and say: "Now we're ready!" And then touch them on the shoulder! The patient already gave themselves permission to go into a deep pleasurable trance! Their expectations acted as a transport to move them into that state! The touch was only the signal/anchor that allowed them into that state!
Remember, the patient is only re-presenting everything you say to themselves in their own language. You can tell they're listening because some repeat back to you in their personal dialect what they've understood from you! I love it when others repeat what I say back to me as they listen because I know they're processing it! We'll hear more about this in Time-Line conduits.


After we've gone through the ritual of the hypnotic process with a client, we can leave them with suggestions as we're "bringing them out of hypnosis!" Remember, you're always in a state of moving from one thought to another. So, you're always in some level of hypnosis!
The completion of the hypnotic act is just as important as the preparation for putting someone into a hypnotized state!
This is one area that hypnotherapist become lazy in and wonder why they don't get referrals. Why clients stop coming even though they've paid for 5 sessions and only attend 3. Making some excuse that doesn't hold water why they don't want to come anymore.
Using the conduits I've mentioned so far, you need to develop a habit of employing them as part of your closing. The next time you come in for your session I have something special for you that I don't use with many clients. However, I feel that you're very intelligent and need something to make your level instead of using something of a lower caliber. It's okay now for you to feel average in yourself. A lot of clients feel that way in their 1st session. Maybe in two days, sometimes three, it hit's you really hard what you've experience here today!
I'm going to give you something that I don't often provide clients is an empowerment exercise that blah blah blah. Now, I'd like you to notice that you're breathing has increased and you're feeling a lot more refreshed and clam. And you're drive home will be very easy to be alert and awake. In fact, every time you drive, you immediately wake up!

Hi there! Welcome back! In our next episode, we'll start to explore the numerous types of suggestions we can use!

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison M.Ht., M.AHt

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is Hypnosis?

The dictionary defines hypnosis as: an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion. That may be the stage version of hypnosis however, it's not the hypnotheraputic version! Hypnosis is the process of transitioning from one thought to another. From one state of mind, to another. I guess that's not as sexy as the dictionary definition but, it is more realistic.

Hypnosis is composed basically of three components:

1. The person being hypnotized,
2. The suggestion,
3. And, the conduit.

The person being hypnotized can be yourself or someone else or a whole crowd of people. The suggestion, is a whole study in itself. And we'll expand on that over a multitude of blogs. And finally, the conduit is the method of delivery of the suggestion. Again, another whole study in itself!

Let's start with the person being hypnotized. Each person has their own private biological computer called their brain. They also have a wonderful set of senses. The five senses are known as the VAKOG. Or, Visual, audible, kinesthetic, olfactory and gastric. Each of these senses communicate with the brain it their own language. The brain takes the messages the senses send it, and translates the messages with the appropriate algorithm; that the conscious mind can understand.
From the hypnotheraputic standpoint, the brain/mind is broken down into several components. The conscious mind, conscious filter and the subconscious mind

The conscious mind processes the waking and sleeping world from three standpoints:

1. The Somatic - Doer,
2. The Cognitive - Witness,
3. Awareness - neither doer or witness.

It processes about 10 to 20 bytes of information per second which is about a thought or two worth of information.

The conscious filter is just as it sounds. It filters the world's flood of sensory information so that we don't become overloaded with information as we did as babies. It generalizes, deletes and distorts information into only the most immediate information that we need to interact at the moment.
The subconscious, which I also call the Super Being:

* Never sleeps,
* Experiences the full force of the messages coming in from the senses,
* Supports and controls all functions of the mind and body,
* And cannot lie or deceive.

That last item, is the basis of a multitude of problems between the conscious mind and the subconscious. And the items I just described are only a few of the Super Being's talents! The Super Being also processes about 2,000,000 bytes of information per second as well!

I'm not trying to under sell the conscious mind which is also broken down into a government of it's own. There is the Primal Mind component which issues 8 basic urges: sleep, sex, fight, flee, power, fame, wealth, hunger. The Emotional Mind, which filters each and every thought via the 7 basic emotions: acceptance, control, security, inclusion, interaction, sympathy and empathy. And the Intellect, which bifurcates thought/messages into synchrones and asynchrones patterns.

So, how do all these components produce what we call hypnotic state? All of us continually transition from one thought to another! Why is that hypnosis?

Well, when that train of thought starts to loop and become fixated. And the mind becomes open to suggestion. As the mind becomes more entrained on a fixated thought. The person fixated allows the conscious filter to move out of the way and thereby opens a more direct path to the subconscious mind. As the conscious filter moves more and more out of the way, it also retains less and less memory of the events taking place!

A light hypnotic state equivalent to being road zoned and missing your turn. This state is known as the Hypnodial State. The mind loses about 20% of the events and doesn't remember them in this state. A more intense fixation, say, about the level of seeing the love of your life and being blown away, you lose about 60% of what's going on around you.
Now, in deep trance. Or being totally absorbed in true meditation, you lose about 80%.

Now, the logical question should be, how does one get themselves or another into this hypnotic state? I'll answer that in the next blog! Tune in next time as the old radio announcer use to say!

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison M.Ht., M.AHt.

Welcome to Anodynic Hypnosis

Anodynic Hypnosis is the simple set of processes that allow you to release your cares, worries and fears. As well as gain self-empowerment and achieve well formed goals automatically. Your brain is a computer that can be programmed to do whatever you wish to achieve.
It also is connected to a vast reservoir of knowledge, skills and talents that you can call upon.

Are your ready for a truly new adventure?

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison - M.Ht M.AHt