In our last blog entry, I discussed Anodynic Hypnotic Conduits or methods of delivery of suggestions. Here, I'd like to discuss the myriad forms of suggestions. To understand those suggestions, you will have to know a little bit about the language that our sensory speaks to us in!
Every creature including humans, has their own sensory language! Each creature has maybe one or two of their senses that are dominant. Some are visually dominant. Some audibly. Still others kinesthetically. A large portion of creatures are olfactory and taste oriented. Meaning, that creature processes the world through that sensory first to understand the world.
Humans are no different! Some of us are visuals, while others are audibles or kinesthetics. There are those rare humans that are olfactory or gastric dominants. The later are normally very wealthy but very odd as well! There are some very rare humans that are synesthesics. They hear what you smell and see what you feel! It's a real gift!
What we are dominated by we reference in our personal sensory dialects. Visuals reference the world with visual language. Audibles, have to hear things a certain way for it to make sense to them. Gastric, have to get a gut feeling about what you're talking about!
Now, the problem that most hypnotist and hypnotherapist experience without this knowledge is that if you speak a different language than the person who listens to it. They won't understand! A hypnotist speaking a visually oriented language to a gastric will not be understood at all! The speaker and the listener will become quickly frustrated! And, no desired hypnotic state will be achieved!
So, our first task is to listen to the other person or determine what type of person we are? What common language do you or the other person use to describe something they believe in?
"Well, I see what you mean! So, give me the whole picture now how suggestions work!"
Tailoring our suggestions to meet this requirement will take us only part of the way to delivering a suggestion that achieves the person we want to hypnotize goals!
Each person tells us how they want to be hypnotized if you only learn to listen to them! Really? We construct the suggestion by learning "how" the subject does something? We're not the slightest bit interested in "why?" We leave that for our Psychologist and Psychiatrist colleagues.
The "how" a person becomes depressed, frustrated, inspired, joyous, empowered and so forth is our only concern.
How do they sit when? What does their face look like? How are they breathing while being in a certain state? Each and every steps of "How" they do something helps us construct the perfect suggestion! Just by changing maybe one step in that chain of how's will change the subject!
Then we simply take them mentally through the steps they've described and make a little turn toward our goal. We can anchor the suggestion by just touching them or snapping our fingers!
"So, you're sitting slumped over and your face looks sad. And you're breathing in sighs and becoming more depressed? "Let's try that again! You're sitting slumped over and suddenly you sit up! You try to make your face look sad, but you're having a hard time taking that face seriously! And, now you're breathing in sighs which turn into little kitten mews! Each time you start feeling you need to put yourself into a depressed state, you'll easily slip into this new way of being depressed!"
We could further tailor this suggestion in the sensory language of the person listening which would have even a more profound effect!
There's a huge amount to be written about on Suggestion Types which I'll try to cover as we explore Anodynic Hypnosis.
Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t
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