Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Within each of us are all the keys we'll ever need to fulfill our destiny! It's easy to think that you don't have a destiny, when you've forgotten where your keys are to turn the lock, and open your path. These keys aren't something arcane. They're simplicity itself. Some of us go our entire life wondering why? Why did we come here? To have kids? To be just a biological component to sustain a species? No!
There's more! So much more that you and I came here for! But like anything in nature, you'll need energy to fulfill your destiny. A huge amount of energy! And that huge amount of energy that is just right for you to complete your Heroes journey, has always been available to you!
Here they are: To download your copy click on the following:
37593778/The-Hypnotic-Keys -You-Will-Never-Be-the-Sam e-Again

There have been a plethora of methods to "improve" your life but, without supercharging yourself, you won't get off the ground. You'll be stuck in neutral.
That energy that pervades the entire multi-verse is within you. Every system of your body is driven by that energy. Every molecule, every cell, every atom is completely driven by that energy. That energy is your Source of energy. It is eternal, serene and complete. It connects each and everyone one of us to each other as we are connect to every particle in the multi-verse.
Everyday I see people traveling the highways and trains lost in their fears, worries, anxieties and depression. They play the same movie of the mind over and over again. Building up such pain for themselves. There are three types of pain that we experience. The first is sensory pain. You cut or bump yourself and your senses tell you something is wrong. Some part of your body is experiencing pain. The next form of pain is called: Manifested Effect. A little kid bumps her head and then looks around to see what reaction she'll get. If the adults run and console her, she'll put on a show of how bad it really is. If no one is around to console her, she'll rub her head and keep on playing.
And the final form of pain is known as: Cognitive Projected Pain. This form occurs from our Theater-of-the-Mind playing a What-if over and over again. What-if this happens or what-if that happens and if that happens then what-if this other thing happens? You know the inner dialog. It's one of our favorite scripts! We run it over and over again right before we go to sleep. And then sleep doesn't occur! We just lay there! Rehearsing those what-if lines! And you know what? It doesn't change a darn thing doing that! It just revs you up to fever pitch doesn't it?
I've had clients tell me, they would love just one day where they didn't have to worry about anything or be afraid or panic'd about anything. So instead they eat themselves, smoke themselves, drug themselves and drink themselves to death literally! Some resort to anger to fight back the fear and go from one fear reaction of anger to another. Caught in a hell of their own making and sustaining.
We came here for so much more than just worrying about things! To be constantly afraid or in a state of panic wears down anybody no matter how tough they think they are!
That's why I did something about it! I took the first 5 Hypnotic Keys of 108 Keys and provided them to the public for free. My Keys are a consolidation of 40 years of hypnosis practice of the most powerful and effective methods. You don't have to believe anything just as you don't have to believe in cars to drive one.
All I ask is: if you like these methods that you pass them onto others that may benefit from them.
Here they are: To download your copy click on the following:
If you'd like to learn the rest of the 108 methods, contact me for the next workshop or seminar.
Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices - Contact me for session prices
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Anodynic Hypnotic Inductions - Entrance others with just four little words!
Hypnotic inductions are where the rubber meets the road in hypnosis! Induction is the process of bringing the four components of hypnosis together in such a fashion, that you become part of the feedback of sensory information that the subject is feeding themselves.
The four little words are the components themselves: Subject, Conduit, Attitude and Suggestion. Now, I don't mean that you say these words to the subject! But understand what these three words mean in your hypnotic entrancement!
As I've stated in the previous blog entries, by understanding the sensory language dominance the subject is speaking to themselves in. And selecting the right method from the massive amount of amount of Conduits/Inductive Methods. As well as having the right attitude and suggestion composed from the subject's process of "How's," will easily induce one to enter a deep state of trance.
If you haven't read my previous blog entries on these components, I suggest you go back and plow through them.
For the rest of you who have read through, Attitude is something I haven't spoken in detail. There is a large body of hypnotist that mechanically know how to induce someone and themselves into trance. However, they are plagued with abreactions and "Pop-outs!" A Pop-out is just as it sounds. The subject pops out of trance and has a reaction/abreaction that you the therapist, didn't expect or want! There's nothing more frustrating to a mechanical styled hypnotherapist; than to have a pop-out occur in front of the rest of the family or professional setting.!
So, how do we develop the "right" attitude as a hypnotist and/or hypnotherapist? Attitude comes from drinking the Kool-aid you're using on your clientele! As well as the understanding that everyone! And I mean everyone! Is in some level of entrainment 24/7-365! Just understanding that everyone is entrained on something at some level will carry you quite far! However, even only with that understanding, you'll have a higher percentage of pop-outs that those that actually practice their craft!
Practice taking each and every emotion you have as a reaction to some activator. And, breaking that emotional reaction down into a series of steps. Of hows! Remember the belief you have that is associated with that activator as well! You can become very lost just examining the hows!
Let's say it's being cut off in traffic! Most of you can relate to this! You believe that you should be able to continue in your lane without being interrupted abruptly! Now, break down the steps you go through from when the cut off occurs. To when that driver is no longer affecting your emotions. How are you breathing? What does you face look like? How are you holding yourself posture-wise? What are you feeling?
Once you have all that catalogued. And make sure that you take several incidents ranging in intensity just to make sure you have a good cross section! Examine your beliefs as you go through your how steps. What are the consequences at the end of the emotional reaction? What would you change?
Good! Now you have your hows to build your suggestion of what you will change. Let's select say..., reframing method. That's where you see the movie in your head of the cut-off, the emotional reaction and the unsuccessful consequence. Next, we construct the same movie in our head except one with a successful positive consequence. Simply let the unsuccessful movie be overrun with the successful one! Some people explode the unsuccessful with the successful. Or they interrupt it like a loud blasting advertisement right in the middle of the unsuccessful movie! You decide what feels right for you! And of course this is all done with the understanding and attitude that you in fact, are always at some level of entrainment/suggestibility! Now your unconscious can easily accept the newer more pleasurable movie always! Hypnotic induction is just that effortless and pleasurable! And with just four little words, you practice what you preach so to speak! After a short time of practicing everyday, just establishing rapport with someone else will take them deeply into the level of entrainment that you are without very much effort!
Thank you for your time,
Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices - Contact me for session prices
The Hypnotic Keys...

I've been absorbing all I can find on Chroma-Key Green Screen DVD recording to provide DVD which will explain the rest of the Hypnotic Keys. These won't be free however, they will be economical as well as fun!
For those of you that are interested, there's a Connecting to Source Workshop this Sunday the Sept 19th 2010 at Crystal Fox in Laurel Maryland from 1:00pm to 3:30pm. I'll be teaching the expanded version of the initial keys contained in the book.
There's also a workshop on Oct 17th 2010 at Crystal Fox that I'll be teaching Hypno-Taromancy. Those of you into offering readings should attend. I have combined the fastest processes of hypnotic induction with Tarot reading to produce some really life changing reading methods. You can apply the same reading methods to any other form of divination. If anything, it will add some grist for the mill of your reading methods. Even if you haven't ever read for someone else or yourself, you should try it out!
See you at the workshops,
:D - Contact me for session prices
conversational hypnosis,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
2nd Key - Deep Rest
Now that you're practicing the 1st Key. You're practicing what is known in Hypnosis parlance as Up-Time Hypnosis or Wide Awake Hypnosis. And some of you are fine with just doing that. However, for those of you that would love to go deeper into healthier states of deep sleep. This 2nd Key - Deep Rest will take you into a very deep state of sleep or what's known as: "Down-time hypnosis." Further than you've probably slept before.
I teach my method of Deep Rest to professionals and non-professionals alike to allow them to get 15 to 20 minutes of very deep rest. Some just continue and sleep the rest of the way through the night.
This 2nd Key should not be done while driving or operating anything dangerous. And it should not be performed immediately after eating. Wait at least 30 minutes for your body to digest. Some of you out there fall asleep after eating anyway and take a nice siesta.
The 2nd Key can be practiced twice a day, once in the morning to squeeze out that last bit of juicy dream time. And once in the evening before dinner.
The benefits of the 2nd Key - Deep Rest are obvious however, some of you may not realize that when you don't achieve deep states of rest, you build up a "Sleep Debt." A Sleep Debt is just like any other debt. It means that you owe yourself a certain amount of rest. The greater the sleep debt, the greater the dis-ease you'll start to experience. Your mind is a wonderful device that will demand sleep processing one way or another. Without the proper amount of sleep, you'll begin to dream during the day. We call this dreaming during the day neurosis. If this continues long enough, you'll move into a psychotic state. Or in other words, you'll move into your day dreaming and not pay rent!
2nd Key - Deep Rest method:
Find a place where you won't be disturbed by phones, email, Facebook, kids, dogs, cats... you get the picture. If you are disturbed by someone, just inform them that you'll be with them in 15 minutes and excuse yourself. Don't enter into any further conversation with them. Your mind is very susceptible to suggestions in deep hypnotic rest. We'll be using this fact to build upon in the next keys!
You can lay down if you wish to drift off into sleep for the night if you're doing the 2nd Key for sustained sleep. Otherwise find a comfortable chair that'll allow your back to be straight.
Read the instructions for 2nd Key - Deep Rest method until you've understood it and can do it without looking at the instructions.
Close your eyes and notice that your body has a kind of vibration from the circulation of your blood and pulsing of your heart. Inhale and exhale gently and slowly without effort. Return to this Now time and be in the moment.
Imagine that there is a large golden ring above your head like a giant halo. This Halo glows with a golden light that when used, relaxes whatever part of the body goes through it.
Slowly allow the halo to move down and your head to enter the inside of the ring. As it slowly continues down past the ears, the nose, the chin, the throat and down toward the shoulders, a very relaxing warm honey like feeling is left behind now covering the head, neck and shoulders. Let the golden ring continue down past the shoulders, down the chest, down the lower back and belly and down past the hips. Now moving down past the thighs, the knees, the calf, the ankles and finally down the feet and stopping past the toes. Mentally visualizing and stating the the number 10 several times and allow the ring to float up and return to it's place just above your head again.
Now for a deeper and healthier state of rest, continue to feel the vibration of your body in this Now time, as you again move the ring down the body as before, entering inside the ring. Feeling even more rest as it passes down the body slowly. And completing just beyond the toes as you mentally visualize and state the number 9 several times. Allow the ring to return above the head more slowly than before.
Continue passing the ring down with you on the inside slower and slower and finally counting down and visualizing to 1 in ever deeper and healthier states of sleep.
Now that you're within a very deep healthy level of rest, start allowing the mental affirmations of:
"Perfect and pure health..."
"Perfect and pure wealth..."
"Perfect and pure rest..."
to every so often, repeat in your thoughts, and let them go.
When 15 or 20 minutes have past and you want to return. Simply reverse the process. Allow the ring at the tips of the toes to slowly move up the body with you on the inside of the ring and let the ring be a brilliant glowing white color full of waking energy. All the way up beyond the head while mentally counting and visualizing the number 1. And then let the ring float down in front of the toes and move inside the ring again while allowing the bright white light to fill the body with peaceful and invigorating energy. When the ring is above the head, visualize and mentally state the number 2 several times. Continue this process until you visualize and state the number 10.
When you're ready, open your eyes just like you do in the morning after a fantastic nights sleep.
The 3rd Key will be along soon...
Thank you for your time,
Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices
** If you enjoyed this method and would like to experience even more fantastic states and possibilities produced by Anodynic Hypnosis, feel free to contact me and arrange workshops and classes.
I teach my method of Deep Rest to professionals and non-professionals alike to allow them to get 15 to 20 minutes of very deep rest. Some just continue and sleep the rest of the way through the night.
This 2nd Key should not be done while driving or operating anything dangerous. And it should not be performed immediately after eating. Wait at least 30 minutes for your body to digest. Some of you out there fall asleep after eating anyway and take a nice siesta.
The 2nd Key can be practiced twice a day, once in the morning to squeeze out that last bit of juicy dream time. And once in the evening before dinner.
The benefits of the 2nd Key - Deep Rest are obvious however, some of you may not realize that when you don't achieve deep states of rest, you build up a "Sleep Debt." A Sleep Debt is just like any other debt. It means that you owe yourself a certain amount of rest. The greater the sleep debt, the greater the dis-ease you'll start to experience. Your mind is a wonderful device that will demand sleep processing one way or another. Without the proper amount of sleep, you'll begin to dream during the day. We call this dreaming during the day neurosis. If this continues long enough, you'll move into a psychotic state. Or in other words, you'll move into your day dreaming and not pay rent!
2nd Key - Deep Rest method:
Find a place where you won't be disturbed by phones, email, Facebook, kids, dogs, cats... you get the picture. If you are disturbed by someone, just inform them that you'll be with them in 15 minutes and excuse yourself. Don't enter into any further conversation with them. Your mind is very susceptible to suggestions in deep hypnotic rest. We'll be using this fact to build upon in the next keys!
You can lay down if you wish to drift off into sleep for the night if you're doing the 2nd Key for sustained sleep. Otherwise find a comfortable chair that'll allow your back to be straight.
Read the instructions for 2nd Key - Deep Rest method until you've understood it and can do it without looking at the instructions.
Close your eyes and notice that your body has a kind of vibration from the circulation of your blood and pulsing of your heart. Inhale and exhale gently and slowly without effort. Return to this Now time and be in the moment.
Imagine that there is a large golden ring above your head like a giant halo. This Halo glows with a golden light that when used, relaxes whatever part of the body goes through it.
Slowly allow the halo to move down and your head to enter the inside of the ring. As it slowly continues down past the ears, the nose, the chin, the throat and down toward the shoulders, a very relaxing warm honey like feeling is left behind now covering the head, neck and shoulders. Let the golden ring continue down past the shoulders, down the chest, down the lower back and belly and down past the hips. Now moving down past the thighs, the knees, the calf, the ankles and finally down the feet and stopping past the toes. Mentally visualizing and stating the the number 10 several times and allow the ring to float up and return to it's place just above your head again.
Now for a deeper and healthier state of rest, continue to feel the vibration of your body in this Now time, as you again move the ring down the body as before, entering inside the ring. Feeling even more rest as it passes down the body slowly. And completing just beyond the toes as you mentally visualize and state the number 9 several times. Allow the ring to return above the head more slowly than before.
Continue passing the ring down with you on the inside slower and slower and finally counting down and visualizing to 1 in ever deeper and healthier states of sleep.
Now that you're within a very deep healthy level of rest, start allowing the mental affirmations of:
"Perfect and pure health..."
"Perfect and pure wealth..."
"Perfect and pure rest..."
to every so often, repeat in your thoughts, and let them go.
When 15 or 20 minutes have past and you want to return. Simply reverse the process. Allow the ring at the tips of the toes to slowly move up the body with you on the inside of the ring and let the ring be a brilliant glowing white color full of waking energy. All the way up beyond the head while mentally counting and visualizing the number 1. And then let the ring float down in front of the toes and move inside the ring again while allowing the bright white light to fill the body with peaceful and invigorating energy. When the ring is above the head, visualize and mentally state the number 2 several times. Continue this process until you visualize and state the number 10.
When you're ready, open your eyes just like you do in the morning after a fantastic nights sleep.
The 3rd Key will be along soon...
Thank you for your time, - Contact me for session prices
** If you enjoyed this method and would like to experience even more fantastic states and possibilities produced by Anodynic Hypnosis, feel free to contact me and arrange workshops and classes.
conversational hypnosis,
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