There have been a plethora of methods to "improve" your life but, without supercharging yourself, you won't get off the ground. You'll be stuck in neutral.
That energy that pervades the entire multi-verse is within you. Every system of your body is driven by that energy. Every molecule, every cell, every atom is completely driven by that energy. That energy is your Source of energy. It is eternal, serene and complete. It connects each and everyone one of us to each other as we are connect to every particle in the multi-verse.
Everyday I see people traveling the highways and trains lost in their fears, worries, anxieties and depression. They play the same movie of the mind over and over again. Building up such pain for themselves. There are three types of pain that we experience. The first is sensory pain. You cut or bump yourself and your senses tell you something is wrong. Some part of your body is experiencing pain. The next form of pain is called: Manifested Effect. A little kid bumps her head and then looks around to see what reaction she'll get. If the adults run and console her, she'll put on a show of how bad it really is. If no one is around to console her, she'll rub her head and keep on playing.
And the final form of pain is known as: Cognitive Projected Pain. This form occurs from our Theater-of-the-Mind playing a What-if over and over again. What-if this happens or what-if that happens and if that happens then what-if this other thing happens? You know the inner dialog. It's one of our favorite scripts! We run it over and over again right before we go to sleep. And then sleep doesn't occur! We just lay there! Rehearsing those what-if lines! And you know what? It doesn't change a darn thing doing that! It just revs you up to fever pitch doesn't it?
I've had clients tell me, they would love just one day where they didn't have to worry about anything or be afraid or panic'd about anything. So instead they eat themselves, smoke themselves, drug themselves and drink themselves to death literally! Some resort to anger to fight back the fear and go from one fear reaction of anger to another. Caught in a hell of their own making and sustaining.
We came here for so much more than just worrying about things! To be constantly afraid or in a state of panic wears down anybody no matter how tough they think they are!
That's why I did something about it! I took the first 5 Hypnotic Keys of 108 Keys and provided them to the public for free. My Keys are a consolidation of 40 years of hypnosis practice of the most powerful and effective methods. You don't have to believe anything just as you don't have to believe in cars to drive one.
All I ask is: if you like these methods that you pass them onto others that may benefit from them.
Here they are: To download your copy click on the following: http://www.scribd.com/doc/
If you'd like to learn the rest of the 108 methods, contact me for the next workshop or seminar.
Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t
AnodynicHypnosis@gmail.com - Contact me for session prices
AnodynicHypnosis@gmail.com - Contact me for session prices
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