Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hypnotheraputic Lie detector methods

There are two actions occurring every moment a person is alive.  They are: Conscious and Unconscious actions.  Rarely are they linked together.  The conscious and unconscious mechanisms of the mind have independent agendas.  The unconscious mechanism is concerned with coordinating the sympathetic, parasympathetic, autonomic and central nervous systems.  Keeping the heart beating, the diaphragm moving to cause respiration and all the fluids of the body in balance.  This a very complicated and demanding job for that part of our mental software!

The conscious mechanism has the ability via the conscious filter mechanism, to delete, distort and generalize information it processes.  In other words, it can fool itself and others!  This is a safety mechanism to deal with events and situations that the conscious mind has no other coping process to employ for that event.  Once that coping process is learned and made functional, the conscious mind has no need to distort, generalize or delete any information for that event.

The unconscious mind doesn't have such a luxury.  It can't for example, try to fool the heart by not firing another impulse to the vagus nerve which controls heart rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, and quite a few muscle movements in the mouth, including speech (via the recurrent laryngeal nerve) and keeping the larynx open for breathing (via action of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, the only abductor of the vocal folds). It also has some afferent fibers that innervate the inner (canal) portion of the outer ear, via the Auricular branch (also known as Alderman's nerve) and part of the meninges. This explains why a person may cough when tickled on their ear (such as when trying to remove ear wax with a cotton swab). 

An interesting idiomatic response occurs as the conscious mind tries to represent something untrue, it tells on the person!  Have you ever noticed someone saying something like: "I didn't have sex with that women..." at the same time shaking their head up and down as if to say Yes when they should be wagging their heads to confirm no they didn't have sex with that women?  Poker players call this action a "Tell."  Whereby you do the opposite body language from what the mouth is saying or a bodily tick that occurs as you do the opposite action.

In hypnotherapy, we use what is known as rapport to move with our clients and thereby try to emulate in ourselves, what our clients are feeling and/or thinking.  Hypnotherapist study rapport to a fine level to both read and induct their clients into deeper states of trance.
Using the idiomatic response, we can have a conversation with both the conscious mechanism and the unconscious mechanism of ones mental software.

Note, there's no such thing in the physical mind as a conscious or subconscious axion or neuron.  There are however, only the connections that those axion and neurons make in composing the software routines we all use everyday.  But, as Dr. Milton Erickson MD points out, there are mechanisms/programs that we use that seem to be individual and distinct components.

These conversations with the conscious and unconscious mind allow hypnotherapist and psychotherapist to determine where Cognitive dissonance is occurring.  Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously.  This "holding" resides in the conscious and unconscious mechanisms.
This process of having a conversation with both the conscious and unconscious mind has been demonstrated in the recent discovery of the Reverse Speech methods.  Reverse Speech, as used by David John Oates is explained as; during spoken language production, human speakers subconsciously produce hidden messages that give insight into their inner thoughts.  This new set of methods have been tried on patients in combination with sodium pentothal with remarkable results!  Patients lowered their inhibitions and were compelled to reveal both in forward speech (what we all normally hear in conversation) and reverse speech (i.e., playing the recording backward) hearing hidden message that the unconscious mind wanted to say.  This process has been used on criminal suspects during lie detector sessions with surprising results of the criminal confessing against themselves unaware.  I suspect that methods such as these will eventually be used in background investigations rather than having some poor investigator march all over the world trying to verify someones background.
With the advent of eMRI and the identification of firing patterns of the physical mind being mapped to speech and emotion, it won't be long before we have yet another way to reveal ones thoughts against ones will.

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices

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