Within each person, each and every moment of the day, we re-present ourselves to ourselves. Some re-present themselves to themselves with thoughts of worry, doubt, despair and pain. Some relive past glories and accomplishments over and over again. And still, some long for wealth, glory, power or any of the other base primal urge desires.

So, the big question is, how do we get back to that simple place? And the simple answer is: we are creatures of light and breath!
We are very visual creatures even though we have four other senses. Even those that have trouble seeing things in their Theater-of-the-Mind (TOTM), can get a feeling of light within. And, we are also creatures of breath. It's amazing that the very tools we need to use to return to our center and unlock our own treasures of what makes us content and happy, are part of our everyday lives!
By combining these two elements in different ways, completely changes what's being shown in the TOTM.
People talk about their totems, but this TOTM is something that is part of you. You don't need to go anywhere except within to experience it. And you are in total control of your TOTM and always will be! And this is the very key to the solution of returning to your creative center, which is to take control of your TOTM and start showing thoughts that bring you back to a very creative place.
Because when you're back in your very creative space, you perform wonders! Life becomes effortless because you are working from your center of power.
And this doesn't just affect you, it effects every person you meet. You enter like a million watt lightbulb into a room. Those people that are highly successful and happy, really don't have as much know how as knowledge of themselves. They know, that they are destine to do something great as you've always felt you were to do as well!
But, we discount ourselves. We show the "Just settle for what you can get!" movie in our TOTM over and over and over again. We commit mental suicide of our dreams and aspirations. The sad part is, we even glory in our self sabotaging behavior to elicit sympathy or empathy to whoever will listen as a substitute to success.
The 1st Key of In-Power-Mint:
Close your eyes after reading the how-to here and try this. Find a time and place where you won't be disturbed. As you sit there, bring your attention into this moment. Bring your Was-ing, that person you were in the past into this moment. Now bring your Will-be self from the future into this moment. Now bring Worry-self, Always-self, Never-self and Gotta-self into this moment as well! These are all bit players in your TOTM. You're the director of the TOTM. The owner of the TOTM.
Notice your breath, breathing in and breathing out. As you breathe in, you draw in energy. And as you breathe out, you release energy to the world. If you combine thoughts from your favorite bit players into that in and out breath..., that's how the world sees and experiences you.
So, if your Worry-self has the stage and inner microphone, it puts worry thoughts into your breath stream of in and out. If your Absolute-Rule-Maker-Gotta-self has the stage, you'll put your rules into the breath stream even if they don't make sense and eventually trap you in your own rules!
Imagine if you will, that you are drawing particles of dazzling light into your breath as you breathe in. And you are are breathing out these dazzling light particles. Just like the beginning of a snow storm where the flakes are slowly and gently falling, the dazzling light particles are gathering within you. These particles contain such joy, such peace, such gentleness and kindness. Just like in any snowfall, as you breathe, there soon is more and more and more dazzling particles gathering within you. You begin to glow with the light of kindness and gentleness. The dazzling light is filling you brighter and brighter and brighter! Filling your entire body! Each and every part of your body glows like a million suns from the dazzling light. As you breathe out, this dazzling light pulses outward in all directions filling the room you're in. Filling the house or building you're in.
Let this dazzling light glow in the purest of pure blinding brilliance of golden light. Let it vibrate your body with a feeling of pure peace and completeness. Let it vibrate you with the feeling of perfect and pure kindness and peaceful contentment.
Some of you might have intuitional flashes of other people faces while you're doing this practice. Breathe in their dazzling light and then, breath out dazzling light right back to them. As you do this, their dazzling light will increase into a brilliance of glorious golden light.
Open your eyes after a few deep breaths more of dazzling light and continue exchanging dazzling light with others as they come to mind. It's your unconscious mind repairing and replacing negative connections to others as you continue breathing this way. This is how we change the world. One breath at a time. One connection at a time. One exchange of dazzling light at a time with each other. Listen to your creative intuition now. It will begin to guide you to where you're suppose to be to fulfill your purpose and achieve your success!
More keys will be given soon!
AnodynicHypnosis@gmail.com - Contact me for session prices