Friday, August 27, 2010

The 1st Key of In-Power-Mint...

Welcome back to those that have been following my postings.  I will be providing a series of how-to blogs with the purpose of bettering the planet with my small contribution.

Within each person, each and every moment of the day, we re-present ourselves to ourselves.  Some re-present themselves to themselves with thoughts of worry, doubt, despair and pain.  Some relive past glories and accomplishments over and over again.  And still, some long for wealth, glory, power or any of the other base primal urge desires.
However, "In-Power-Mint," as I've coined empowerment, is about using what we've already possess to take us back to our center.  Back to where all creativity for our life is stored.  And taping into that creativity again and moving from that source, to allowing your genius unconscious mind to guide you to what truly makes you content and happy!  What makes us happy and content is unique for each and every person.  In fact, we came here to this life to fulfill a special purpose!  When you were a child, you knew exactly what that purpose was in a very matter of fact way!  Ask any kid, and they'll tell you without blinking, what they're here for!

So, the big question is, how do we get back to that simple place?  And the simple answer is: we are creatures of light and breath!
We are very visual creatures even though we have four other senses.  Even those that have trouble seeing things in their Theater-of-the-Mind (TOTM), can get a feeling of light within.  And, we are also creatures of breath.  It's amazing that the very tools we need to use to return to our center and unlock our own treasures of what makes us content and happy, are part of our everyday lives!
By combining these two elements in different ways, completely changes what's being shown in the TOTM.
People talk about their totems, but this TOTM is something that is part of you.  You don't need to go anywhere except within to experience it.  And you are in total control of your TOTM and always will be!  And this is the very key to the solution of returning to your creative center, which is to take control of your TOTM and start showing thoughts that bring you back to a very creative place.
Because when you're back in your very creative space, you perform wonders!  Life becomes effortless because you are working from your center of power.
And this doesn't just affect you, it effects every person you meet.  You enter like a million watt lightbulb into a room.  Those people that are highly successful and happy, really don't have as much know how as knowledge of themselves.  They know, that they are destine to do something great as you've always felt you were to do as well!
But, we discount ourselves.  We show the "Just settle for what you can get!" movie in our TOTM over and over and over again.  We commit mental suicide of our dreams and aspirations.  The sad part is, we even glory in our self sabotaging behavior to elicit sympathy or empathy to whoever will listen as a substitute to success.

The 1st Key of In-Power-Mint:

Close your eyes after reading the how-to here and try this.  Find a time and place where you won't be disturbed.  As you sit there, bring your attention into this moment.  Bring your Was-ing, that person you were in the past into this moment.  Now bring your Will-be self from the future into this moment.  Now bring Worry-self, Always-self, Never-self and Gotta-self into this moment as well!  These are all bit players in your TOTM.  You're the director of the TOTM.  The owner of the TOTM.
Notice your breath, breathing in and breathing out.  As you breathe in, you draw in energy.  And as you breathe out, you release energy to the world.  If you combine thoughts from your favorite bit players into that in and out breath..., that's how the world sees and experiences you.
So, if your Worry-self has the stage and inner microphone, it puts worry thoughts into your breath stream of in and out.  If your Absolute-Rule-Maker-Gotta-self has the stage, you'll put your rules into the breath stream even if they don't make sense and eventually trap you in your own rules!
Imagine if you will, that you are drawing particles of dazzling light into your breath as you breathe in.  And you are are breathing out these dazzling light particles.  Just like the beginning of a snow storm where the flakes are slowly and gently falling, the dazzling light particles are gathering within you.  These particles contain such joy, such peace, such gentleness and kindness.  Just like in any snowfall, as you breathe, there soon is more and more and more dazzling particles gathering within you.  You begin to glow with the light of kindness and gentleness.  The dazzling light is filling you brighter and brighter and brighter!  Filling your entire body!  Each and every part of your body glows like a million suns from the dazzling light.  As you breathe out, this dazzling light pulses outward in all directions filling the room you're in.  Filling the house or building you're in.
Let this dazzling light glow in the purest of pure blinding brilliance of golden light.  Let it vibrate your body with a feeling of pure peace and completeness.  Let it vibrate you with the feeling of perfect and pure kindness and peaceful contentment.
Some of you might have intuitional flashes of other people faces while you're doing this practice.  Breathe in their dazzling light and then, breath out dazzling light right back to them.  As you do this, their dazzling light will increase into a brilliance of glorious golden light.

Open your eyes after a few deep breaths more of dazzling light and continue exchanging dazzling light with others as they come to mind.  It's your unconscious mind repairing and replacing negative connections to others as you continue breathing this way.  This is how we change the world.  One breath at a time.  One connection at a time.  One exchange of dazzling light at a time with each other.  Listen to your creative intuition now.  It will begin to guide you to where you're suppose to be to fulfill your purpose and achieve your success!

More keys will be given soon!


Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices

Thursday, August 26, 2010

In-Power-Mint - The Key to yourself

Without the key to a lock, it's almost impossible for most of us to unlock that lock!  What if you locked yourself out of your house or your car.  You'd feel kinda stranded wouldn't you?  You'd have to go to the neighbor and ask to use their phone if you didn't have yours with you.
But, what if your neighbor lock themselves out and everyone in the neighborhood lock themselves out as well?  Some would be trying to break into their house!  Some would be frustrated and just crying that they lock themselves out.  And some would be trying to re-interpret that they're not really locked out, it's the house thats locked itself in or some such nonsense.
And that's how it is with us.  We've locked ourselves out of ourselves.  Some of us are frustrated.  Some are trying to break in.  And some are making up malarkey to convince ourselves that some narrative we've created doesn't require us to find our way back into ourselves.  And that's such a shame, when we're designed from birth to have access to our source of power, wealth, peace and plenty.  Which is at the very core of our being.  But somewhere along the way, we forgot such a simple thing as how to get back into ourselves in a powerful and empowering way.  I like to call it: "In-power-mint."  The mint of where we have our power, wealth, peace and plenty like our own private Fort Knox!  Our store house of infinite prosperity, infinite contentment.

When was the last time you really felt contentment?  Not just that you finally got something done.  But real contentment?  Real bliss without anything artificial to intoxicate you into that state?  No drugs or alcohol.
The ironic thing is.., that access to that in-power-mint moves within you 24-7/365.  In fact, it provides ingenious ways for you to return to yourself that are very natural.  It only requires only one simple and abundant ingredient!   That ingredient is awareness.  Once you start allowing your awareness to focus on the access point, then just like a finely made lock box, you open!  All of the inheritance that's been waiting inside you is available again.  And that awareness is always there.  Beyond form.  Beyond thought and dreams, that awareness is just there!  In this moment, just in this ever present now.  That awareness is available to you to open your lock and give you that splendor!

However, it's not enough to just have that splendor!  What are you going to do with it?  I mean, if you had all the wealth in the world, you could wind up like some of those we read about that just waste it!  There has to be a way to channel that splendor and that wealth to bring you happiness and not spin down into just wasted effort.
Your unconscious now understands better than your conscious mind what truly makes you happy.  It never turns off!  It runs every part of your body and mind.  It never sleeps.  It witnesses everything you do or don't do.  And you don't know, that you already know how to have splendor and pleasure.  The unconscious has been taking note of everything that really makes you feel complete!

You knew what you wanted to do when you were a kid!  It was very simple and clear.  Your unconscious had a plan from the beginning!  You came here with a special mission, a special purpose!  And that mission and that purpose are still inside, locked away just waiting to be activated by you!
Once, you open the lock with your awareness, then your intuition which is the channel of communication to your unconscious, will guide you to exactly what you're suppose to be doing here!  You'll feel like you're on automatic pilot.  The exact right people will be available for you to carry out your purpose in life.  The exact right resources will be available for you to complete yourself easily and effortlessly

The beginning is simple.  The path is already set.  All you have to do now is turn the key.  I'll be writing about the howto  keys to your Kingdom very soon.

Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices

Friday, August 20, 2010

Breathing for the relief of all sentient beings

There is a method of meditation/hypnosis that combines breathing, auto-suggestion, expectational hypnosis into a very smooth method of self-evolution.  It is known by the Tibetans as: Tonglen (Pron. Tong-Len).  Tonglen according to Wikipedia:  

"Tonglen (Tibetan: གཏོང་ལེན་; Wylie: gtong len) is Tibetan for 'giving and taking' (or, sending and taking), and it refers to a meditation practice found in Tibetan Buddhism.
In the practice, one visualizes taking onto oneself the suffering of others on the in-breath, and on the out-breath giving happiness and success all sentient beings.[1] As such it is a training in altruism. The function of the practice is to:
  • reduce selfish attachment
  • increase a sense of renunciation
  • create positive karma by giving and helping
  • develop loving-kindness and bodhicitta
  • it refers to all of the Six Perfections of giving, ethics, patience, joyous effort, concentration and wisdom, which are the practices of a Bodhisattva.
This practice is summarized in seven points, which are attributed to the great Indian Buddhist teacher Atisha Dipankara Shrijnana, born in 982 CE. They were first written down by Kadampa master Langri Tangpa (1054–1123). The practice became more widely known when Geshe Chekawa Yeshe Dorje (1101–1175) summarized the points in his Seven Points of Training the Mind. This list of mind training (lojong) proverbs or 'slogans' compiled by Chekawa is often referred to as the Atisha Slogans.
H.H. The Dalai Lama, who is said to practise Tonglen every day, has said of the technique: "Whether this meditation really helps others or not, it gives me peace of mind. Then I can be more effective, and the benefit is immense".[2] His Holiness offers a translation of the Eight Verses in his book The Path To Tranquility: Daily Meditations."

"In Tonglen practice, through our compassion, we take on (embrace without resistance) the various sufferings of all beings: their fear, hurt, frustration, pain, anger, guilt, bitterness, loneliness, doubt, rage, and so forth. In return, we give them our loving-kindness, happiness, peace of mind, well-being, healing, and fulfillment.
1) Sit quietly, calm the mind, and center yourself. Reflect on the immense suffering that all beings everywhere experience. Allow their suffering to open your heart and awaken your compassion. You may also choose to invoke the presence of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and enlightened beings, so that through their inspiration and blessing, compassion may be born in your heart. In this way, you are resting in bodhicitta—the enlightened nature of the mind. Bodhicitta, is an inexhaustible source of purity, generosity, and compassion.
2) Imagine in front of you, as clearly as possible, someone you care for who is suffering. Although this may be more challenging, you may also imagine someone you feel indifferent toward, someone you consider to be an enemy, or those who have hurt you or others. Open yourself to this person's suffering. Allow yourself to feel connected with him or her, aware of their difficulties, pain, and distress. Then, as you feel your heart opening in compassion toward the person, imagine that all of his or her suffering comes out and gathers itself into a mass of hot, black, grimy smoke.
3) Now, visualize breathing in this mass of black smoke, seeing it dissolve into the very core of your self-grasping (ego) at your heart center. There in your heart, it completely destroys all traces of fear and selfishness (self-cherishing) and purifies all of your negative karma.
4) Imagine, now that your fear, self-centeredness and negative karma has been completely destroyed, your enlightened heart (bodhicitta) is fully revealed. As you breathe out, imagine you are sending out the radiance of loving-kindness, compassion, peace, happiness, and well-being to this person. See this brilliant radiance purifying all of their negative karma. Send out any feelings that encourage healing, relaxation, and openness.
5) Continue this "giving and receiving" with each breath for as long as you wish. At the end of your practice, generate a firm inner conviction that this person has been freed of suffering and negative karma and is filled with peace, happiness and well-being. You may also wish to dedicate the merit and virtue of your practice to the benefit of all sentient beings.
Another Excellent Form of Tonglen
Clearly imagine a situation where you have acted badly, one about which you feel shameful or guilty, and which may be difficult to even think about. Then, as you breathe in, opening your heart, accept total responsibility for your actions in that particular situation. Do not judge or try to justify your behavior. Simply acknowledge exactly what you have done wrong and wholeheartedly ask for forgiveness. Now, as you breathe out, send the compassionate radiance of reconciliation, forgiveness, harmony, healing, and understanding. Breathe in the pain and the blame, and breathe out the undoing of harm. Breathe in taking full responsibility, breathe out the compassionate radiance of healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This exercise is especially powerful. It may give you the courage to go see the person(s) whom you have wronged and the strength and willingness to talk to them directly and actually ask for forgiveness from the depths of your heart.
Tonglen is a Practice and a Way of Life
Traditionally, we begin by doing Tonglen for someone we care about. However, we can use this practice at any time, either for ourselves or others. Tonglen can be done for those who are ill, those who are dying or have just died, or for those that are in pain of any kind. Tonglen can be done either as a formal meditation practice or right on the spot at any time. For example, if we encounter someone in pain, right on the spot we can begin to breathe in their pain and send out some relief. At any time, when we encounter our own emotional discomfort or suffering, or that of others, we open our heart and fully embrace what we are encountering on our in-breath. Breathing out, we offer the heartfelt radiance of acceptance, loving-kindness, and compassion. This is a practice and a way of life.
Practicing Tonglen on one friend in pain helps us begin the process of gradually widening the circle of our compassion. From there, we can learn to take on the suffering and purify the karma of all beings; giving others our happiness, well-being, joy, and peace of mind. Tonglen practice can extend indefinitely, and gradually, over time, our compassion will expand. We will find that we have a greater ability to be loving and present for ourselves and for others in even the most difficult situations. This is the wonderful goal of Tonglen practice, the path of the compassionate Bodhisattva."

Pema Chodron said it beautifully:
"In order to have compassion for others, we have to have compassion for ourselves.

In particular, to care about other people who are fearful, angry, jealous, overpowered by addictions of all kinds, arrogant, proud, miserly, selfish, mean —you name it— to have compassion and to care for these people, means not to run from the pain of finding these things in ourselves. In fact, one's whole attitude toward pain can change. Instead of fending it off and hiding from it, one could open one's heart and allow oneself to feel that pain, feel it as something that will soften and purify us and make us far more loving and kind."

Tonglen practice is not only for others but for ourselves and the environment as well:
"1. Environmental Tonglen

This consists of sitting and feeling the ''mood and atmosphere'' of our mind. Let's say that the mood we are feeling is unease, and the atmosphere seems dark. We would breathe in this unease and darkness, absorbing it into ourselves. Then, we would breathe out peace and joy, thereby clearing and cleaning the atmosphere and environment of our mind.

2. Self Esteem

The self-esteem exercise begins by imagining ourselves as two people. One is ''whole, compassionate, warm, and loving, like a true friend, really willing to be there for you, responsive and open to you, without ever judging you, whatever your faults or shortcomings.'' The second is the aspect of ourselves that has negative emotions and ideas, the ''victim.'' This is the part that says ''Nobody understands me,'' or feels wronged by people or society.

Again, breathe in, but in this process you are the first person, the whole, compassionate one, breathing in and absorbing all of the other's pain and negativity. And as you breathe out, let the compassionate self send ''healing love, warmth, trust, comfort, confidence, happiness, and joy'' to the other part." -

I breathe for the release of all beings who suffer or lack as well as those who haven't turned to their true nature of kindness and compassion.
Thank you for your time,

Mike Addison MH.t., MA.t - Contact me for session prices